(Z) Czech for foreigners A1 (individual course, Mr. K.), Pacltová

Registration ended
Probíhá: 16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024 Price: 28 000,00 Kč


This is an individual Czech language course at level A1. (booked)

Lesson topics: Getting to know each other, Places, Food & Drink, Family, Shopping.In addition, the course is adapted to the needs of the participant.

The course aims to develop all language competences equally, using offline and online space and tools, a variety of available materials and a playful approach to learning.

The aim of the course is to prepare the participant for being able to deal with basic communication situations according to chosen topics.


Kurz zahrnuje 56 vyučovacích hodin v termínech dohodnutých mezi lektorkou a studujícím.

Teaching aids

Studijní materiály poskytne lektorka.


Kurz je již smluven pro konkrétního účastníka.