Strategies for Active Learning in Large Lecture Classes - úvod - UčiTUL

Probíhá: 27.09.2024 - 27.09.2024 Cena: Zdarma
  • Anotace:

    Sharon McMahon Sawyer, J.D., LL.M z Main univerzity, USA, která do Liberce přijede v rámci projektu UčiTUL vás zve na worshop, kde se bude zabývat nasledujícími tématy:

    1. Strategies for helping students learn and remember what they learn.

    2. Encouraging student participation through

    a. Flipping the classroom,

    b. Leading effective discussions,

    c. Group work in a large class.

    Akce proběhne : v pátek 27.9. od 10:40 do 12:15 h v G301

    Pozor navazující část proběhne v pátek 4.10.

  • Struktura:

    Místo konání : G301

    Datum: 27.9.

    Čas : 10:40-12:15

    Pozor navazující část proběhne v pátek 4.10.

    Lektorka - Sharon McMahon Sawyer, J.D., LL.M began teaching at the post-secondary level in 1987 and has taught undergraduates, law students, and English language learners as well as schoolchildren in the middle grades. She has taught both traditional-age undergraduate students and non-traditional students in large lectures, seminars, and in synchronous and asynchronous online courses. Sharon received the Donald Harward Faculty Award for Service-Learning Excellence from the Maine Campus Compact and the University of Maine at Augusta Distinguished Educator Award in 2018. She is an Associate Professor of Justice Studies at the University of Maine at Augusta.